Virtuozzo is a software application for enterprise server virtualization that allows an administrator to create virtual environments on a host computer at the operating system (OS) layer.
Instead of having one physical machine run multiple operating systems simultaneously, as the virtual machine model used by VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server or XEN does, Virtuozzo approaches virtualization by running a single OS kernel as its core and exporting that core functionality to various partitions on the host. Each of the partitions effectively becomes a stand-alone entity called a virtual private server (VPS).
Virtuozzo comes with a proprietary Kernel Service Abstraction Layer (KSAL) that manages access to the kernel and prevents any single VPS from bringing the entire physical server down. It also has a proprietary file system to completely isolate the partitions, a security precaution that prevents a software fault in one partition from impacting an application or data in another partition.
Every VPS has its own network address and its own set of login credentials, system processes and daemon services. Because the underlying operating system is always running, each VPS can be rebooted independently and data can be migrated from one virtual environment to another on a live host. This capacity -- which is not possible with the virtual machine model -- is one reason why Virtuozzo has the reputation for being a good choice for production servers working with live data and applications.
Virtuozzo's architecture eliminates system calls between layers, which reduces CPU usage overhead dramatically. Common binaries and libraries on the same host machine can be shared, making it possible for administrators to put literally thousands of VPSs on the same machine, each functioning as a stand-alone server.
Administrators using Virtuozzo have three management options: the command line, Virtual Management Center (a GUI interface for management and monitoring) and Virtual Control Center (a Web-based interface for remote access).
Virtuozzo is created and distributed by SWSoft. In 2006, SWsoft released the core of Virtuozzo under the GNU GPL (General Public License) in an open-source project called OpenVZ.
Licensing utilities allow you to install a new license, view the license state, generate a license request for a new license:
Instead of having one physical machine run multiple operating systems simultaneously, as the virtual machine model used by VMware and Microsoft Virtual Server or XEN does, Virtuozzo approaches virtualization by running a single OS kernel as its core and exporting that core functionality to various partitions on the host. Each of the partitions effectively becomes a stand-alone entity called a virtual private server (VPS).
Virtuozzo comes with a proprietary Kernel Service Abstraction Layer (KSAL) that manages access to the kernel and prevents any single VPS from bringing the entire physical server down. It also has a proprietary file system to completely isolate the partitions, a security precaution that prevents a software fault in one partition from impacting an application or data in another partition.
Every VPS has its own network address and its own set of login credentials, system processes and daemon services. Because the underlying operating system is always running, each VPS can be rebooted independently and data can be migrated from one virtual environment to another on a live host. This capacity -- which is not possible with the virtual machine model -- is one reason why Virtuozzo has the reputation for being a good choice for production servers working with live data and applications.
Virtuozzo's architecture eliminates system calls between layers, which reduces CPU usage overhead dramatically. Common binaries and libraries on the same host machine can be shared, making it possible for administrators to put literally thousands of VPSs on the same machine, each functioning as a stand-alone server.
Administrators using Virtuozzo have three management options: the command line, Virtual Management Center (a GUI interface for management and monitoring) and Virtual Control Center (a Web-based interface for remote access).
Virtuozzo is created and distributed by SWSoft. In 2006, SWsoft released the core of Virtuozzo under the GNU GPL (General Public License) in an open-source project called OpenVZ.
vzctl |
Utility to control Containers.
vzlist |
Utility to view a list of Containers existing on the Node with additional information.
vzquota |
Utility to control Virtuozzo Containers disk quotas.
Licensing utilities allow you to install a new license, view the license state, generate a license request for a new license:
vzlicview |
Utility to display the Virtuozzo license status and parameters.
vzlicload |
Utility to manage Virtuozzo licenses on the Hardware Node.
vzlicupdate |
Utility to activate the Virtuozzo Containers installation, update the Virtuozzo licenses installed on the Hardware Node, or transfer the Virtuozzo license from the Source Node to the Destination Node.
Container migration tools allow to migrate Containers between Hardware Nodes or within one Hardware Node:
vzmigrate |
Utility for migrating Containers from one Hardware Node to another.
vzmlocal |
Utility for the local cloning or moving of the Containers.
vzp2v |
Utility to migrate a physical server to a Container on the Node.
vzv2p |
Utility to migrate a Container to a physical server.
Container backup utilities allow to back up and restore the Container private areas, configuration files, action scripts, and quota information:
vzbackup |
Utility to back up Containers.
vzrestore |
Utility to restore backed up Containers.
vzabackup |
Utility to back up Hardware Nodes and their Containers. As distinct from
vzbackup , this utility requires the Parallels Agent software for its functioning. |
vzarestore |
Utility to restore backed up Hardware Nodes and Containers. As distinct from
vzrestore , this utility requires the Parallels Agent software for its functioning. |
Template management tools allow the template creation, maintenance and installation of applications into a Container:
vzpkg |
Utility to manage OS and application EZ templates either inside your Containers or on the Hardware Node itself.
vzmktmpl |
Utility to create OS and application EZ templates.
vzveconvert |
Utility to convert Containers based on Virtuozzo standard templates to EZ template-based Containers.
vzpkgproxy |
Utility to create caching proxy servers for handling OS and application EZ templates.
vzrhnproxy |
Utility to create RHN proxy servers for handling the packages included in the RHEL 4 and RHEL 5 OS EZ templates.
vzpkgls |
Utility to get a list of templates available on the Hardware Node and in Containers.
vzpkginfo |
Utility to get the information on any template installed on the Hardware Node.
vzpkgcreat |
Create a new package set from binary RPM or DEB files.
vzpkgadd |
Utility to add a new template to a Container.
vzpkglink |
Utility to replace real files inside a Container with symlinks to these very files on the Node.
vzpkgrm |
Utility to remove a template from a Container.
vzpkgcache |
Update a set of preinstalled Container archives after new template installation.
Supplementary tools perform a number of miscellaneous tasks in the Hardware Node and Container context:
vzup2date |
Utility to update your Virtuozzo software and templates.
vzup2date-mirror |
Utility to create local mirrors of the Virtuozzo official repository.
vzfsutil |
Utility for the VZFS optimization and consistency checking.
vzcache |
Utility to gain extra disk space by caching the files identical in different Containers.
vzsveinstall |
Utility to create the Service Container on the Hardware Node.
vzsveupgrade |
Utility to update the packages inside the Service Container.
vzps and vztop |
Utilities working as the standard
ps and top utilities, with Container-related functionality added. |
vzsetxinetd |
Utility to switch some services between a standalone and
xinetd -dependent modes. |
vzdqcheck |
Print file space current usage from quota's point of view.
vzdqdump andvzdqload |
Utilities to dump the Container user/group quota limits and grace times from the kernel or the quota file or for loading them to a quota file.
vznetstat |
Utility that prints network traffic usage statistic by Containers.
vzcpucheck |
Utility for checking CPU utilization by Containers.
vzmemcheck |
Utility for checking the Hardware Node and Container current memory parameters.
vzcalc |
Utility to calculate resource usage by a Container.
vzcheckovr |
Utility to check the current system overcommitment and safety of the total resource control settings.
vzstat |
Utility to monitor the Hardware Node and Container resources consumption in real time.
vzpid |
Utility that prints Container id the process belongs to.
vzsplit |
Utility to generate Container configuration file sample, "splitting" the Hardware Node into equal parts.
vzcfgscale |
Utility to scale the Container configuration.
vzcfgvalidate |
Utility to validate Container configuration file correctness.
vzcfgconvert |
Utility to convert Virtuozzo 2.0.2 Container configuration files to Virtuozzo 2.5.x format.
vzstatrep |
Utility to analyze the logs collected by
vzlmond and to generate statistics reports on the basis of these logs (in the text and graphical form). |
vzreport |
Utility to draw up a problem report and to automatically send it to the Parallels support team.
vzhwcalc |
Utility to scan the main resources on any Linux server and create a file where this information will be specified.
vzveconvert |
Utility to convert the Containers based on Virtuozzo standard OS templates to the EZ template-based ones.
vznetcfg |
Utility to manage network devices on the Hardware Node.
vzmtemplate |
Utility to migrate the installed OS and application templates from the one Hardware Node to another.